Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just some interesting things....

Last night, Forum spent a productive evening having fun, and swimming in Lake Eerie. During this, we got into a pretty long discussion about art, and the forms in which it takes. I'm in the process of doing a small essay with regards to last nights discussion, but I thought I would open it up to anyone who might be listening.

It started with the age old issue of painting and photography, but quickly moved to areas involving printmaking, the mark, and the aura.

So my questions to you are, how do you feel about naming forms of artmaking? How does painting differentiate from drawing, and how do you categorize a work of art between these? Where does print (or other forms of reproduction) fall? Also, how do you evaluate the original, versus a duplicate, or even a mode of art that has no original?

Off topic, I recently found something that might be a useful tool to all Artists out there. is a site that is meant to give artists a resource and tool to keep level headed when it comes to the business side of their lives. Hope it's helpful!

June NewsLetter

A Monthly Update from your friends at Forum.

Our Current Show, Poignant Demands: Not from Here will be closing on June 19th. It will be the second BBQ vs Potluck: Keep Feedin' You and Feedin' You, so prepare for a day of grilling and chilling, with great art and conversation to back up the food. Again, bring something for the grill, something to whet your whistle, and a little something to share. The potluck will start at 6pm and go for at least three hours (most likely later).

Just like every month, 78th Street Studios will have our monthly Third Friday ( June 18th), with all the galleries and the artists open to the public. Forum will still be showing Poignant Demands.

Recently, some friends and CIA Alums in NYC have been getting even more attention for their artistic endeavor... if you don't know about Thu and her Crew at Food Party, I suggest you look into them! Imagine if Pee-wee learned to cook, and Pee-wee's Playhouse was renamed Pee-wee's Kitchen and you might have a bit of an idea what Food Party is all about. I'm not just talking them up because I enjoy them and their work, but also because it seems a great many people do. Here is a recent Article from the LA Times on Food Party.,0,6891576.story

For those of you who like to read and think as much as make,I recommend checking out Brevity, an online journal of concise nonfiction ( Some of the essays stick in my head for weeks.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

thought you all would like to take a look.

if you get a chance check this artist out. i have been following this guys work for a little while now and thought i should share my enthusiasm. he's got two short video's on babelgum in the outsiders series. 


his blog is pretty interesting as well, nothing but constant updates on art (his included), travel and general news. 


Enjoy, if you will.